Sunday, June 28, 2015

The final New York post (June 2015)

This is our last blog for Tea and Bagels as we have moved to Canada!

On our penultimate day in NYC we visited New York's latest attraction, the World Trade Observatory.

The lifts were cool, check this video out:

On the 102nd floor:

You can see our building, 20 Exchange Place, to the right of the green roof, behind the mirrored high-rise.

The mirrored building almost disappears into the background!

Moving day! We had been getting the cats used to wearing leads so that we could let them out of their travel cases during the car journey from Manhattan to Toronto. This is on floor 19...they were freaked out by the movers.

Jasper was fairly relaxed in the car.

Tilly's spot in the boot for most of the journey.

After 9 hours in the car we finally reached our overnight stop in Buffalo at 3am. We smuggled the cats and litter tray into the hotel!

After a few hours sleep we set off for the US/Canada border at Niagara.

On the Rainbow bridge - the US/Canada border. Bye New York!

We'll continue our journey in our new Canada blog...Mounties, Moose & Maple Leaves!

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