Saturday, November 29, 2014

A few things we did in Spring (April - June 2014)

Bubble tea, Gemma's new favourite.

Thick toast with condensed milk...popular in Asia. It's pretty good!

Vegan sushi. Better than it sounds!

Easter in New York:

We scored a couple of free tickets to the Yankees v Red Sox at the Yankee Stadium uptown.

On the first nice day of spring we walked over Brooklyn Bridge. Unfortunately a lot of other people had the same idea...but it was nice anyway!

We found a Yemeni restaurant in Brooklyn - foul beans & flatbread:

Lamb stew:

Thanks to Goldman Sachs, we get free access to the American Natural History Museum. It's a really great museum.

The famous Katz's Deli:

Riding off that pastrami!

Spring flower show at Macy's.


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