Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Our first New York blog: October 2013

***We are having to re-upload all of our blogs due to issues with our app***

Welcome to our New York blog....Tea and Bagels. This first blog is an amalgamation of some of the photos we took in our first few weeks here.

This was our apartment in Tower 31, West 31st Street (Midtown) when we arrived:

It had a great view...of the Empire State Building:

It didn't take us long to find a good bagel. Pumpernickel with cream cheese.

...Nom nom nom...

Gemma found some buns in Times Square too (the famous Naked Cowboy)

The 'High Line' in Chelsea is a raised walkway converted from a railtrack.

Nearby is the Chelsea Market which is a fantastic collection of eateries and cooking shops.

This is New England clam chowder and a shrimp po'boy:

One weekend we jumped on a train at Penn Station and visited Port Washington in Long Island - a quaint little town about an hour outside of Manhattan. Some scenes from Meet the Fockers were filmed there.

The town had a nice marina, so we stopped and tried our first lobster rolls. So good!

Back in NY we visited the United Nations headquarters.

In 'Eataly' you can have a glass of wine as you do your evening shop:

The New York marathon was in early November. It wasn't as busy as the London one, we actually saw the runners less than a mile from the finish line.

It also attracted a large audience of pigeons.

And this is the photo of us (filming the lead male runner) that ended up in the Daily Mail newspaper!

This is a Banksy artwork that we spotted up on 71st Street:

Birthday meal at a really nice Italian restaurant in Downtown. Thanks to Carol and Dave for sending us there.

We found some...educational...soft toys in Toys 'R' Us in Times Square. You can buy your child a pimple, or an MRSA virus!

This is a local bar that still shows the effects of Hurricane Sandy just 13 months ago (like many do). Gemma wandered onto a nearby film set whilst trying to find the bar.

And finally, this is a handy grabber for reaching Pop Tarts in the supermarket...we are definitely in the States now!

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