Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Out and about in New York (November-December 2013)

We'll shortly be blogging about Christmas and New Year, but before that here are a few random things that took place beforehand.

Macy's Thanksgiving Parade. Extremely cold but had to be up at crack of dawn to get even a relatively good spot. The parade began in 1924 and is the second oldest Thanksgiving parade after the Detroit equivalent. Santa Claus is the last float to arrive, marking the arrival of the Christmas season.


Knowing that we were in line for turkey at Christmas, we opted for chicken as our first Thanksgiving dinner.

Followed by pumpkin pie. It was interesting.

We attended a football game at the Meadowlands Stadium, home to both the New York Jets and the New York Giants. We had tickets for Jets vs. Miami Dolphins.

Pre-match activities:

The stadium is huge and incredibly impressive. It was also the venue for Super Bowl 48 held recently.

The Jets were pummeled but the atmosphere was still good!!

Gemma flew back to the UK at the start of December for Carol & Dave's wedding. The only subsequent activity of note before I joined her for Xmas was the Amsterdam Winter Market held in Seaport, just a few yards from Wall St.

I had some Finnish glögi (their version of mulled wine), a canelè (left) and a kouign-amann (right).

Cute little bird was watching my cakes.

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