Saturday, November 29, 2014

Double trouble (March 2014)

In March we adopted two kittens from a rescue shelter; Tilly is a small tabby girl, Jasper is a boy with white with tabby patches. both were about 7 months old.

Their first outing was a taxi-ride back from the shelter. They were very cautious coming out of their carry-bag. Jasper immediately ran under the sofa and it took two hours to coax him out!

Tilly tentatively exploring her new home.

They were both very skinny and underweight when we got them.

Tilly started as she has gone on...

...getting to places she shouldn't.

Terrorising the fish:

They have both grown a lot. Jasper is now a massive nine pounds, against Tilly's mere six!

Can you spot the bear??


Youtube video:

The loooove bags, Jasper especially.

They both enjoy hiding in Gemma's clothes.

Jasper helping me make butter....

He had washing up duty:

Tilly likes to chew on pens...

...and toothbrushes...

...whilst Jasper prefers my finger...or leg...or foot...

But overall he is definitely a daddy's boy:


Here he is enjoying a massage:

He snuggles into my PJs when I go to work.

Tilly less so:

Tilly waits outside our bedroom door every morning for a cuddle session with Gemma before she goes to work.


They both liked our homemade climbing rope:

Stay tuned for more antics!


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